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EMF Harmoniser for Home, Workplace & Portable Use

Are you 5G ready?

A vast 5G infrastructure is now being rolled out and ready to go.

Exposure to strong electromagnetic forces which create unhealthy energetic conditions may result in mild to major health consequences. 

It is not disputed that harmful electromagnetic fields at any level, may trigger biological effects and attribute a diffuse collection of symptoms…

✓ Nausea, headaches and other physical discomfort
✓ Trouble concentrating and foggy brain
✓ Lethargy and fatigue
✓ Sleeping difficulties
✓ Negative emotional energies of depression, anxiety and anger

The Stellar Dome® Gold is a healthy negative charge resonance field generator designed to balance the unhealthy positive charge resonance created by 5G and all forms of EMR, RF, Wi-Fi, Earth Radiation and human-generated Bioplasmic Radiation to the boundaries of a property.

The Stellar Dome® Gold also neutralizes a type of radiation caused by mould in roof cavities which, combined with the shape of a gabled roof, projects a radiation charge “downwards” into the living space. The Stellar Dome® Gold’s radiance, which is “upwards” and “outwards”, then neutralizes the radiation caused by the mould in the roof cavity. Ley lines (a radiant, healthy earth radiation Grid Line) create a healthy radiance, and up until now, there has been no other product in the world which can re-create that quality of energy…. Until the Stellar Dome® Gold was developed!

The Stellar Dome® Gold creates that beautiful radiance the same as a Ley line. An example of beautiful Ley Lines are the energy lines that cross at Stone Henge, and the energy lines that a lot of European Cathedrals are built on. 5G radiation, high solar wind speeds and certain days of Mercury Retrograde all interfere with the Ley Line radiance, however, the Stellar Dome® Gold is not affected by these noxious energies.

The Stellar Dome® Gold performs the same the standard green Stellar Dome® which has been tested for 100% effectiveness against 5G in February, 2019 in Dickson, Canberra where 5G was actively operating.

The Stellar Dome® Gold is unique in the world; having the ability to harmonize over 30 different types of noxious EMR fields clearing whole buildings as you walk in.

The Stellar Dome Gold is also portable which is handy for when you’re out and about.

So what’s going on in your home?

Your home contains over 30 noxious energies emitted from different types of EMR fields being emitted from 5G, Wi-Fi, digital TV’s, Smart Meters, electrical appliances, power lines, and more. These energies create an EMF Field (Electromagnetic Frequency). This EMF field is also created by any Earth Radiation and water contained in a water vein or water pipe that may be running underground on your property.

Now, this is the important bit to know! These EMF Fields create a Positive Charge which is the harmful component to humans and may put stress on our organs and cells. However, it’s not to be frightened by this, but rather to know you can do something about it.

How does the Stellar Dome™ work?

The Orgone products are emitting a Negative Ion charge that is harmonising the dangerous Positive Charge and neutralising it. Therefore, you have no noxious energy in the home and the environment is returned to homeostasis. It is important to understand the difference between products that are harmonising/neutralising the noxious energies versus products that are only blocking or shielding.

As a ‘radiation harmoniser’ the Stellar Dome™ works by neutralising the noxious ‘Positive Charged’ field from EMF  with a healthy ‘Negative Charge’ frequency that neutralises the Positive Charge frequency – the harmful component of any noxious EMF. The field is then in sympathy with the human energy field thus preventing meridian and organ stress and hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances. The resin block, which produces the Negative Charge frequency, is a man-made crystal that has undergone an energising and programming process that is unique to Orgone Effects®.

The Stellar Dome™ represents 20 years of Intuitive Building Biology Consultancy experience and intricate and advanced knowledge of the types of harmful electromagnetic fields which may exist within a given space. The Stellar Dome™ has evolved to be much more than a powerful electrical, 5G and Wi-Fi radiation harmoniser. Over the years, due to the ongoing EMR research, there have been so many more built-in programs added that deal with negative energy imprints; things that you are often not aware of, however, which may be affecting your emotional well-being and ultimately your long-term health.

So what can we do?

Installing a Stellar Gold Dome™ improves and corrects oxygen levels. The Stellar Dome™ has been clinically tested and proven for effectiveness by Accredited health professionals worldwide such as Kinesiologists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors and Bioresonance practitioners who know how to test an EMR Harmoniser. What they test for is electromagnetic stress on meridians and organs.