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Technogym is a world leading brand in products and digital technologies for fitness, sport and health for wellness.

Technogym offers a complete ecosystem of connected smart equipment, digital services, on-demand training experiences and apps that allow every single end-user to access a completely personalized training experience anytime and anywhere: at home, at the gym, on-the-go.

Over 50 million people train with Technogym in 80,000 wellness centres and 500,000 private homes world-wide.

Technogym has been Official Supplier to the last eight Olympic Games and it’s the brand of reference for sport champions and celebrities all over the world.



 The all-inclusive Technogym Bike comes with the Technogym Trainers’ on-demand classes, Technogym Outdoors, and Total Body Workouts. 30 days free trial included for 1Rebel and Revolution’s live and on-demand classes.


Enjoy the same feeling as outdoor cycling with Skillbike’s riding design which reproduces the biomechanics of outdoor bicycles. The frame and handlebar are designed to accommodate different riding positions and postures and the connected Console provides all the data you need to monitor your ride in real-time.




Polished aluminium, soft-touch plastic and glass come together to create an ideal object for the home. Made in Italy, Run Personal a built-in Technogym Coach that helps you to reach your fitness objectives guiding you step by step. The Technogym Live interface brings you irresistible one-on-one Sessions, HIIT Routines, goal-oriented exercises. Moreover: internet, social media, TV, Netflix.



Designed by runners for runners, MYRUN offers the ultimate running experience, personalised training programmes and running technique feedback. This is the first solution for running that seamlessly integrates a treadmill and a native app that syncs to your tablet, and is designed to offer you the ultimate running experience, with personalised training programmes and instant running feedback.




Build your six pack. Sculpt your glutes. Get leaner and stronger. Let our training programmes inspire you and reach your objectives faster than ever with the Technogym Bench. Perform the widest variety of total body exercises with hexagon dumbbells, resistance bands, weighted knuckles and training mat, all in a compact footprint.



UNICA™ is a multifunctional designer bench for your home, built with the same materials as professional gym equipment. With UNICA™ you can easily perform over 25 different exercises in just one and a half square metres.

Maximum muscle activation

Thanks to its precision biomechanics, Unica guarantees physiological trajectories that distribute loads optimally throughout the movement, maximising muscle fibre activation and prevent injury.



To help make the time you spend sitting down active, we devised Wellness Ball™ - Active Sitting, an Italian-made "ball chair" that allows you to exercise when you are at work or at home.

Wellness Ball™ now allows for a truly "Active Sitting" lifestyle. It helps you improve your posture and perform countless exercises to strengthen your muscles and increase balance.
