Sensate Anti-Anxiety and Stress Relief Session (Melbourne)

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Sensate Anti anxiety and stress relief.png

Sensate Anti-Anxiety and Stress Relief Session (Melbourne)


Your key to calm.

Recover your rhythm with sonic resonance therapy. Sensate provides on-the-spot profound relaxation in as few as 10 minutes – all the healthy results for mind and body, but without the years of training.

The Sensate device and app was designed by a leader in integrated medicine to empower you to manage your stress, improve your sleep and concentration, as well as achieve many of the other beneficial results that we associate with meditation. A world-first consumer vagus nerve stimulation product, Sensate has been shown to improve heart rate variability and the sense of our users' subjective wellbeing from the very first session.

Toning the vagus nerve using powerful and natural methods

Not all sounds are created equal. Sensate’s mix of infrasonic frequencies and sound design send a powerful signal throughout the body.

Meet the most important nerve you didn’t know you had

Do you ever feel knots in your stomach when stressed? That’s the vagus nerve in action. This cranial nerve allows the main organs of the body to communicate, and is often called the gut-brain superhighway. The vagus nerve is responsible for the way your body reacts to stress, so toning this important nerve can play an important role in improving your digestion, heart health and breathing rate.

The vagus nerve regulates sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. The sympathetic nervous system drives the "fight or flight" response in stressful situations, while the parasympathetic nervous system manages our “rest and digest” state.

"Think of the vagus nerve as the brake pedal that helps the body and mind slow down in order to counter the harmful effects of a chronic and unmanaged stress response.” - Stephen Porges, Kinsey Institute

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